Friday, December 27, 2013

How to get a divorce in Miami? Fist clue, don't buy the divorce packet at the Miami courthouse!

Let's face it; getting a divorce is always hard. Some say it's not the money spent, it's the emotional toll.

But really; it is both, the money spent on legal fees and the emotional toll of finding a divorce attorney, going to see him/her, sitting there giving painful details, reliving what you no longer want to remember.

Then facing a divorce judge and again reliving what you wished never happened.

But of course you don't get there until you have spent thousands of dollars which make it even harder to start over again after your divorce.

Many people filing for divorce in Miami Florida try to save money by skipping the whole attorney thing by going directly to the Miami Family Court Self Help Program and buy these packets of forms with all the forms they need to file for their divorce.

Soon to be divorcees then they have to return to the courthouse to an appointment (typically 2-3 weeks later) with the divorce forms (which most of them have never seen before) completed correctly and notarized.

God forbid they make a mistake! Soon to be divorcees are then given another appointment - you guessed it two to three weeks later, to come back and hope to get their forms approved once and for all.

Then depending on your case either you wait for a court hearing or you get your spouse served - wait another 20 days - return to the courthouse - and then wait for a court hearing.

If you think filing for divorce in Miami sounds complicated, time consuming and a waste of time and energy you guessed right.

How do I know all of this? Because I went through it. A few years ago I needed to file for divorce and living in Miami went the obvious way, purchased a divorce packet at the Miami courthouse, I have minor children so my packet was a good 70 pages long.

I muddled my way through the divorce forms, scratching my head most of the time. The worst was having to write our names over and over again on the first page of every form; and don't get me started on writing our addresses over and over and over again. I absolutely loath rewriting stuff!

I am a stickler for efficiency and this was just not an efficient use of my time (and my hands). The fingers of my right hand were numb by the time I finished writing all that stuff on my divorce forms!

They say that great ideas come out of difficult times and this was 100% true in my case. After my divorce I assisted many other people file for divorce in Miami. I had been selling Pre-Paid Legal memberships for quite some time so I had a stream of clients ready to work with me.

I learned the ins and outs of the Miami Self Help Program; learned the divorce forms required, the different types of divorce.

I became so good at preparing divorces that I opened my own divorce preparation office on the same month I left my abusive husband for good.

Like any other entrepeneur I was afraid of not making any money but here I am; a single mother of four, 3 years later and glad that I took that leap of faith.

Shortly after I became a member of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers. During a conference I met Chuck, owner of a legal document preparation business in Fort Myers.

We discussed the Florida no-court divorce process in his county, which is available to anyone living anywhere in the State of Florida. I was sold!

Chuck patiently trained me for months. I am forever grateful to him and his staff for opening my eyes to the possibilities! They helped me find a new focus in my divorce preparation business.

I now offer this divorce to anyone living in Florida but my main interest is in sharing an alternative to the madness of filing for divorce in Miami without an attorney.

Our no-court divorces are final within 30-45 days. A simple divorce is a flat fee of only $280 and if our client qualifies we even get them a waiver so that they do not have to pay the court filing fees or get them a payment plan. We have 3 offices to better serve our clients in Broward and Miami. We speak English and Spanish and accept all types of payments.

If you would like more information call us at 888-771-3330 or visit our website ApexLegalSolutions.

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